Max Growth Size:14 cm
Temperament:Territorial, keep with Rift Lake Cichlids
Preferred Water Parameters:
Temperature:23-27 degrees celsius
pH Level:7.5-8.5
General Hardness:Hard
Range: Africa: Lake Malawi
Diet: Carnivorous. Carnivorous. Dry foods and frozen foods.
Reproduction: Mouthbrooder: after spawning, the females incubate the eggs in their mouth until the fry are free-swimming. Males will mate with multiple females. The fry are easily raised with first foods such as baby brine shrimp.
The Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara Flametail Peacock is a truly stunning fish. Males develop a metallic blue color on the face and along their back, down to their tail. Their body eventually develops a strong orange color that starts at their gills and goes down to their tail. Males will get to be about 14 cm length and females will be a little smaller.