Angelfish Care Level : EasySize : Up to 15 cmpH : 6 – 7.5Temperature 23°C – 29°CWater Hardness : 5° to 13° dHLifespan : 8 – 10 yearsThe Black Angelfish is a very popular tropical fish because of its unique shape and because of their interesting personalities. Freshwater angelfish are aggressive eaters and will go to the top of the tank when they see you approach. Because of their aggressive feeding habits, make sure that your less aggressive fish are getting their share around feeding time.Angel fish are curious about their environment and can become very territorial, especially around breeding time. They will pair off and if any other fish tries to enter their territory they will go after them. So use caution when stocking.Freshwater Angelfish are not picky eaters. They will go after many types of fish food, including vitamin enriched flakes, frozen, freeze dried and live foods.They prefer tall tanks over short tanks because of their tall body shape.