FritzGuard Water Conditioner 237ml
FritzGuard Water Conditioner 237ml is a safe and effective pH-buffered water conditioner that neutralizes toxic chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals found in tap water. FritzGuard® promotes healing and reduces fish stress with aloe vera and vitamin E and provides necessary electrolytes. Naturally secreted by mucous glands, the slime coat is a natural defense system that protects fish from disease, aids in osmoregulation and reduces stress caused by sudden changes in the environment. FritzGuard® provides a replacement slime coat to aid fish that have lost theirs or have been injured due to stress, poor water conditions and handling. FritzGuard® enhances biofiltration by producing a slime coat over the filter media, aiding in the attachment of beneficial bacteria, like those in FritzZyme® biological products.

Directions & Dosage
Use 5 mL (1 tsp) per 10 U.S. gallons (38 L). For areas with very high chlorine levels, dosage can be safely increased or repeated up to 5x.
- For best results, add FritzGuard to tap water in a separate container before adding water to aquarium.
- For marine aquariums, turn off protein skimmer for 6 hours after adding FritzGuard to reduce foaming.
- No other equipment restrictions necessary
- No contraindications: can be used with all of our other products and meds
- Easy measuring: the 4 oz, 8 oz and 16 oz bottle caps are approximately 5 mL volume
- Overdosed? It’s safe to increase dosage up to five times. Observe livestock for distress, perform small water changes if needed
- Test with a chlorine test kit
Fritz’s History
Fritz Aquatics products are used by zoos, public aquarium exhibits, aquaculture professionals and home aquarium hobbyists. Our aquarium products have been trusted by hobbyists and professionals for over 30 years.
We are one of the leading water quality product manufacturers in America. As proven in an independent university study, Fritz aquarium maintenance products are superior to any others on the marketplace and are used in major marine establishments across the nation.
Fritz Aquatics is a specialty brand of aquarium products manufactured by Fritz Industries, which was founded in 1956 by C. Fredrick “Fritz” Weisend. In the early years, Fritz Industries emerged as a research leader in the development of products based on applied chemistry and unique manufacturing processes, leading to the establishment of the pet products division.
The Fritz Pet Products Division began in the early 1970s with the manufacturing of all-glass aquariums and processing aquarium gravel. Today, the specialty division manufactures hundreds of pet products with an emphasis on the aquatics market, developing innovative products such as FritzZyme 7 & 9, TurboStart and FritzGuard. The Fritz Aquatics line is marketed to major distributors and pet retailers throughout the U.S. and internationally.
Fritz Aquatics also manufactures products for large aquatic facilities, zoos and the largest public aquariums in the world. In 2014, Fritz Aquatics secured an exclusive royalty agreement with Sergeant’s Pet Care Products, Inc. for their Mardel and Aquarium Product lines.