Max Growth Size:13 cm
Temperament:Territorial, keep with Rift Lake Cichlids
Preferred Water Parameters:
Temperature:23-27 degrees celsius
pH Level: 7.5-8.5
General Hardness: Hard
Range: Africa: Lake Malawi
Diet: herbivorous and their diet in the wild consist of predominantly algae and other vegetation however they also opportunistically feed on insects and small invertebrates. In captivity, they readily take dry foods (sinking pellets/flakes), frozen blood worms/brine shrimp and live foods. It is recommended that you provide your fish with a varied diet by supplementing with frozen or live foods
Reproduction: Mouthbrooder: after spawning, the females incubate the eggs in their mouth until the fry are free-swimming. Males will mate with multiple females. The fry are easily raised
The Labidochromis sp. Red Top Hongi is a species of Mbuna from Hongi Island which is characterized by a pale blue body and striking yellow and orange accents along the dorsal fin. Members of this variety also feature dark bars of color that run vertically down their bodies. Males typically reach 6″. Females tend to be slightly smaller. These fish are unique because they display colors according to mood. In fact, a change in mood can trigger an instant change in color.