Common Name – Albino long fin coryMature Adult Size – 5 to 6 cm.Origin – Eastern Venezuela to Bolivia, South America.PH Range – 6.0 – 7.8Temperature Range – 26°c – 30°cWater Type – SoftTemperament / Behavior- PeacefulSize – 3-4 cmSex – UnsexedDiet / Foods : Scavengers – in the wild they eat small insects, worms, crustaceans and plant matter. Use a good sinking pellet food and they will also eat left over flakes, algae wafers, shrimp pellets, etc. These are among the most frequently seen catfish species in the hobby as they are very hardy and breed readily. Cory means “a kind of fish” and doras means a leathery skin, referring to their thick skin which protects them from damage from sharp rocks and sticks on the river bottom.They have a schooling nature and look great in groups of 5 to 10. Bronze and Albino Corydoras can also be shy and may tend to hide away amongst rocks and plants during the day, and be more active at night.