BRINE SHRIMP EGGS 30G , also known as artemia cysts are an excellent source of live food for small fish and fry. With a high protein content, they are often regarded as the best food for raising fry. Please note that these eggs must be hatched before feeding to your fish. Consumption of the egg shell can be harmful to smaller fish.
Premium Salt Lake Utah Artemia Eggs
100% Brine Shrimp Eggs
90% Hatching Rate
Hatching Instructions
1) Use a container with a conical bottom
2) Use strong continuous aeration to the bottom of the container using airstones
3) Eggs density no more than 2g per litre
4) Temperature ideally between 25-30C
5) Salinity 15ppt. 1 0-40ppt is acceptable
6) Illumination: a strong fluorescent or incandescent light
7) pH: >8 if pH drops below 7.5, sodium bicarbonate should be added to increase the pH
8) Hatching time: Nauplii should be harvested after 18 to 24hrs
Collection Instructions
Stop aeration and turn off the light. Wait 10 to 15 minutes.
Most nauplii will sink to the bottom of the container while empty shells will float to the water surface. Collect nauplii from the bottom drainage (if available) or through siphoning.
Rinse well (but gently) before feeding.
Brine shrimp are remarkably resilient crustaceans and are tolerant to a wide range of salinity. Don’t be overly concerned with the details of the specific gravity of your salt water solution as it will not vastly effect results.
Once you get your container of Brineshrimp we recommend you store your brine shrimp eggs for long term storage in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Lower temperatures will encourage a dormant state which in turn maintains our famous 90% hatch rate for what can be an indefinite time period
Never feed unhatched eggs or egg shells to your fish as this may cause intestinal obstruction.