Dymax Slim Flo Hang On Filter SF-120 is an external hang on filter designed to be clipped on any side of the aquarium. Unlike the conventional internal power head filter, this hang filter does not take up space in the aquarium.
The cascading effect provide high levels of aerobic filtration and . Dymax Slim Flo Hang On Filter SF-120 increase oxygen levels for fish, corals, plants and other living organism in the aquariums .
Equipped with an extendable intake pipe to get the strainer near to the bottom of the aquarium and adjustable flow control knob for reducing filtration during feeding time.
When comparing it too many other conventional aquarium filters. The Dymax Slim Flo Hang Filter series does not take up a lot of space. Besides the cascading effect. it will provide a high level of aerobic filtration. Will also increases oxygen levels for fish, corals, plants and other living things in the aquarium.
Dymax Slim Flo filter uses an extendable intake pipe to get stainer, nearer to the bottom of the aquarium. So it also has an adjustable flow control knob for reducing filtration during feeding time.
Slim and compact design.
Silent operation.
Adjustable flow rate.
Replacement of the filter cartridge is done with ease.
Filter intake pipe is adjustable.
If you have a smaller rimless tank and want to go with something that doesn’t obstruct your beautiful aquascape, this is it!
Perfect for nano tanks!