Macropore Filter Media 500ml
500ml WILL TREAT 2400 L
The Online Aquarium Shop Macropore Filter Media 500ml is one of the best filter media available as it will remove tannin stains in your water making it crystal clear and also reduce nitrate
Online Aquarium Shop Macropore has been specially designed and developed for nitrate/nitrite removal within an aquarium environment. This filter media is a top quality.a genuine product used in store within our very own filtration systems.
Since using Macropore in store we found many benefits. Macropore has create better environment for our life stock by absorbing Nitrates & Nitrites, it has has reduced fish losses, improve growth, colour, has and overall health of our fish. Macropore has improved the clarity of our water by eliminating small particles, has removed any discolouration of the water from tannins /fish waste and has reduced the amount of water changes required
Advantages of using Macropore
- saving water usage
- heating costs
- reduced the use of chemicals and buffers associated with water changes.
- this is better for the environment
- reducing our overall running costs
You will still need to do water changes just but not as often.
Or you could continue to do the regular water changes which will improve the environment even more.
Nitrate/Nitrite removal filters should not replace a biological filter. But should be set up that sufficient nutrients are still available for the biological filter to perform sufficiently.
Regular testing of ammonia, nitrates/ nitrites is recommended
The Online Aquarium Shop Macropore Resin is a Macroporous Polymer resin it is a high purity and of a premium grade. The Online Aquarium Shop Macropore Resin is a strong macro-porous-type anion exchange resin offers a superior operating capacity and excellent reactivity to nitrate
Macropore is a Macro-porous Synthetic Polymer resin that polishes aquarium water and removes Nitrogenous waste.
Macropore will remove tannin stains nitrates and nitrites as well as polishing your water.
Making it crystal clear
Macropore Filter Media 500ml Resin Micro Filter Media will make 2x macropore resin media bags Not included
Using Macropore in larger volumes we recommend using a media reactor.Please contact us if you would like more information on how to set up a reactor
This will help to increase the effectiveness of the filter media inside by forcing all water that enters the reactor to come in contact with the media.
Macropore can be recharged with salt for freshwater
When the polymer resin reaches a dark brown colour it is time recharge.By recharged in a 6% salt solution in freshwater. For a Marine aquarium Bleach must be used.