Blind Cave Tetra 3cm are naturally blind, is commonly called the “Blind Cave Fish.” Thousands of years ago, these fish were carried by currents into underground caves where little or no light existed. Because sight was of no use in the dark environment of the caves, over the course of time nature ceased to provide these useless organs.
They originally come from Mexico—from San Luis Potosi, the southwest part of the drainage basin that receives its water from the Rio Tampaon, at the inlet to the Rio Coy. Since its initial discovery in 1936, numerous other cave locations have been discovered, indicating a quite extensive range of caves this unique species calls home.
Blind Cave Tetra 3cm have a brilliant shining silver, the fins being creamy. In large females the first rays of the anal and ventral fins are pink. The fish are equipped with extremely sensitive organs that warn them of obstacles in their path. The blindness is no handicap, for the instant the aquarium cover is raised these docile fish become active and acute; they are first on the food, whether live, frozen or dried. Should anything edible be given during the hours of darkness, Blind Cave Fish have distinct advantages over all fish with sight.
As scavengers, they are equally as good as the generally recommended over scavenging catfish, but where the catfish eat their fill and disappear behind rocks or plants while living exclusively on the bottom of the aquarium, Blind Cave Fish are always in full view front and centre dodging and bobbing fish and plants.
- Species – Anoptichthys Jordani
- Common Name – Blind Cave Fish
- Origin – Mexico
- Diet – Omnivore
- PH Range – 6.5 – 8
- Temperature – Tropical 24–28°c
- Breed Type – Egg layer
- Current Size – approximately 4cm (Grows to approximately 12cm)
- Sex – Un-sexed