Common name: Lemon Jake Peacock, Mamelela
Scientific name: Aulonocara Mamelela
Average Adult Fish Size: 14cm / 5 Inches
Place of Origin: Lake Malawi
Typical Tank setup: Rocky Malawi tank with plenty of open swimming space
Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 200 Litres
Compatibility: Combine with other Lake Malawi hap and Aulonocara species
Temperature: 23-28 Deg C / 73-82 Deg F
Water chemistry: pH 7.6-8.6
Feeding: Carnivorous – prefers live foods such as blood worms, snails or brine shrimp, but will generally accept frozen, flake or pellet foods.
Sexing: Males are larger and much more colourful
Breeding: Peacock Cichlids are ovophile mouthbrooders that form a matriarch family. The pair should be conditioned separately on mosquito larvae, bloodworms, and crustaceans. The water should have a pH from 8.0-8.2, a water hardness 10-18 dH, and a warmer temperature of 79-84°F (26-29°C). The female spawns a small number of eggs on the rocky bottom. These are fertilized by way of the dummy-egg method. The young should be raised on newly hatched Artemia and fine-grade flake foods.
Additional Information: Beautiful example of a yellow and blue variant of peacock aulonocara cichlid.